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Hitte Trench Heating and Cooling System

Hitte Trench Heating and Cooling System

With a Heating & Cooling Trench Heating system, higher heating outputs and enhanced air flow can be achieved from a low and safe 24V cross-flow, where fans force the air over the finned heat exchanger elements and accelerating the air flow. This makes a Heating & Cooling Trench Heating system an ideal, powerful yet discreet primary heating system or a fast acting secondary heating system, perfect for counteracting downdraught or condensation in highly glazed areas. There is an option to purchase a condensate pump to help remove unwanted liquid from the trench.

This product provides the customer with the option of either two pipe or four pipe configurations. The selection of a two pipe or four pipe system largely depends on the piped water system available within a building or sections of a building . With a two pipe water system the supply is either in heating or cooling mode and is switched from one to the other as needed. The two pipe heating and cooling trench heater will deliver warm air when hot water is run through the water supply system, or cold air when it is switched over to a chilled water supply. When a building, or section of a building, has a four pipe water supply, both chilled water for cooling and hot water for heating are supplied in parallel and typically controlled locally via actuators.

Contact us for info on the full Hitte range with a vast range of dimensional configurations, types & grilles

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Technical specifications


Fan Assisted LPHW
Trench Heater
Product Codes
(stock models)
Heat Output
at mean water
temp 45C
Noise Level
HitteFXX0801752000XNXX 80 175 2000 617 24V DC 26
80 305 1000 447 24V DC 24
HitteFXX0803052000XNXX 80 305 2000 1100 24V DC 26
HitteFXX1251751000XNXX 125 175 1000 337 24V DC 28
HitteFXX1251752000XNXX 125 175 2000 829 24V DC 44
125 305 1000 808 24V DC 28
HitteFXX1253052000XNXX 125 305 2000 1988 24V DC 44


The table above relates to our 7 stock models. The heat outputs indicated are based on a typical boiler system with mean water temperature of 70C, an ambient room temp of 20C and the fan speed is set at 70%.

Heat Output Table (models above)

Height (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) Temp. of water Electrical Consumption at 24VDC (W) Cooling Output at 70% fan speed (W)
105 245 1000 07/11/2024 8.8 477
105 245 1000 07/11/2027 8.8 558
105 245 2000 07/11/2024 19.2 1113
105 245 2000 07/11/2027 19.2 1303
105 305 1000 07/11/2024 8.8 715
105 305 1000 07/11/2027 8.8 838
105 305 2000 07/11/2024 19.2 1669
105 305 2000 07/11/2027 19.2 1954
105 355 1000 07/11/2024 8.8 865
105 355 1000 07/11/2027 8.8 1014
105 355 2000 07/11/2024 19.2 2019
105 355 2000 07/11/2027 19.2 2365


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Design and installation

Our Trench Heaters should be installed by suitably qualified builders, plumbers and electricians. The unit should be securely fixed and electrical connections made by a suitably qualified person in accordance with the latest edition of the IEE Requirements for Electrical Installation (BS7671).

Alternatively, contact us to obtain a quote from our own installation team.

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